Seemed fate put me there. It was alright to live in, though my housemates weren't the best of people to hang around in terms of study, otherwise I'd have put more effort in. My lecturers were easy enough to get on with. Though I'm not sure what I actually took from the course. Depends on which course you do and what You get out of it yourself.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
What was the scariest moment of your life?
Encountering a real demon twice. Not something you forget easily
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
If you were a Transformer, what would you transform into?
Depends if you mean a vehicle or something or an animal. If it's a vehicle, I'd be a motorbike. If it's an animal, I'd be a dog or a wolf
Monday, 27 June 2011
What invention do you wish never existed?
Tyrannical Religion, in which you will follow these rules or DIE!!!!
Sunday, 26 June 2011
It would be rubbish if Doctor Who was handed over to U.S. T.V. I agree with that. I've seen this before when they tried to do this with Red Dwarf. It was a disaster.
American's just CANT do Doctor Who. At all. Unless they're very rare people like Julian Bane, or at least know what the hell they're doing.
Speilberg! That's who can do Doctor Who
Saturday, 25 June 2011
You believe Doctor Who should remain British? Tom Baker was half-Jewish but being Jewish does not bother me. So what would define britishness? After watching the 'slutwalk' demos on 'Jennybean89' youtube channel not everything about britian is great.
I'm not really into all the slutwalk stuff. If people wanna dress a certain way thats up to them. But Doctor Who has always been a British program, made by the BBC. If it was ever given over to the Americans or any other TV company, it would be shite.
I think it is about time they had a black or asian actor play Doctor Who. I can think of many perfect for the role. What do you think? Inspired after watching special feature on Jon Pertwee story 'The Mutants'
Not on your nelly. The Doctor, in my opinion, should remain as he is. It keeps the british character going. Not that I'm racist or anything, but the Doctor IS a british character, and that's what's kept him going for such a long famous time.
Mind you, so long as they keep the role British, then they can do what they want with it. Even if it was a woman, she would be British.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
If you were in a rock band what would you name it?
The Celestial Rock Storm. Or maybe even just The Celestial.
You show forgiveness, understanding, and honesty to a friend, who then goes and throws it back in your face.. later they claim they've forgotten that you were arguing... Do you let it go, or tell them where to go?
I tell them about it, but let it go. It's not worth losing a friend over something so petty, and people make mistakes all the time.
What's the worst thing that you've ever had to apologise to someone for?
Accusing them of being evil and unfaithful to a friend. One thing I'll regret for the rest of my life. Course, eventually they WERE unfaithful, but they weren't evil. Still, one should never judge others before you know them
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Monday, 13 June 2011
Do you think 'actors' are good at flirting and smooth talking? Do you think flirting and smooth talking work with women?
Works with anyone really. You don't have to be an actor to be able to smooth talk. You just need to be confident and say the right things on your mind
What was your favorite childhood toy?
My Brown Doggy - a small brown dog teddy bear that I've kept with me even to this day
Friday, 3 June 2011
would you draw me as My doctor...i've never asked before now
Sure thing :D Though I'm not perfect at drawing, but I'll still have a go