Monday 28 March 2011

Things I've done today!

  1. Read a Book:
      • I have to say these short stories are brilliant. I've a good mind to start recording them for audio, with me narrating them. If anything, they'll be good practice at reading things on camera or radio. Something to add to my blog pages :)
  2. Played Computer Games:
    • Won a game of Chess
      • I've not played chess in a very long time, mostly because I don't usually like playing games where I don't know what my opponent is going to do. Odd really. Well, better to be back in the action!
    • Played more of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on my Macbook Pro
      • So far I've completed Tatooine, Dantooine, and now I've started on Kashyyyk - the home of the Wookies. I've completed the game soo many times on the Xbox, but this Apple App download has surprised me with a brand new location - a space station in orbit around the planet Yavin with a host full of expensive weaponry goodies to by from this Rodian guy. God, this game is addictive!!!
  3. And generally had a lazy day:
    • Today I've been generally tired. Mostly because I was up till 3am last night. Technically it was 2am, because we lost an hour as the clocks went forward. I spent most of last night chatting on Blog TV with my friends Jon Gransden, Matthew Chambers and Christopher Thomson, counting down to the change in temporal change. Then Stephen Fielding, my housemate and fellow whovian, awoke me early in the morning to watch the car racing on the TV (which I wasn't too fussed by at all - it's his house, after all).
    • I've had a good few naps today though. It's been a bit of a RECHARGE day for me. I must go outside more often though, as I'm starting to get stuck in the house... A few walks are in order I think!
  4. Prepared my news items for tomorrow's TEQUILA RADIO broadcast:
    • Tomorrow morning sees another busy day for me. First off I am, once again, lending my services to my student friends at TEQUILA RADIO to broadcast the news updates for them. But this time my visit shall be cut short, as I have to be in work at Nando's in St David's 2 from 10am onwards - I have to help set up the restaurant. I'll have to take my computer with me to work, so I've got a padlock for my locker for security. 
    • Straight after that I've got more filming with students a we continue to film 'BE HAPPY', which reminds me, I'd better stick my clothes on the radiator for the morning!!
Anyways, gotta go!!!!

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