Sunday 24 July 2011

Some people on youtube are ungrateful and treat their followers like 'idiots' and call them "twats" and making people look stupid and desperate- this is NOT ON! and this is totally unacceptable and disgusting! THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ANYONE ON FORMSPRING!

What people say in their own videos is their own business. It's up to the viewers to stop watching or not. Nobody's forcing you to watch their vids. I don't watch as much youtube as I used to because I just don't have the time for it these days. But I don't close down my account either because I still use it from time to time. It's up to the viewers to follow me if they LIKE me and WANT to follow me themselves. If not, doesn't really matter a massive deal. I'm just another person

Ask me anything

Not many Doctor Who fans talk about what music they like! What music do you listen to? Any favourite music? A fan of a particular genre? Would be interested very much to hear. Best wishes Chris.

Soundtrack music. I love soundtracks from films and action music. It helps the imagination. Currently loving the soundtrack to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Ask me anything

Do you think any of the following accents sound sexy? Mancunian, Welsh, Scottish, Russian?

Doesn't really matter to me at all. It's not the accent. It's the voice and the person behind it. Russian and Scottish are nice though

Ask me anything

Sunday 10 July 2011

One of the strengths of 'Doctor Who' over 'star trek' is the acting. The acting in star trek is so wooden and the relationships too in star trek- I've seen more life in a dodo! Do you agree?

Meh, not in the recent ones. It's the style of the show that's different. Star Trek has many many characters in every episode whereas Doctor Who is only a select few - much more interesting to follow the course of their evolution as a character

Ask me anything

When you go to the movies, what's your favorite snack?

Popcorn, coke and possibly a bag of Jelly Babies

Ask me anything

Monday 4 July 2011

Would you rather be a demon or a vampire?

Depends on what type of demon you mean

Ask me anything

What age did you have your first kiss?

My first proper kiss? as in not acting in something? Age 23

Ask me anything

My greatest fear is I shall never have any friends and be stuck in a dead end Job. What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear is to be utterly alone and a failure. Stuck in financial problems and not even doing anything with my life. Course, that's a load of bollocks. You get out what you put in!

Ask me anything

Do you think I should quit youtube and formspring as it just makes me feel more alone? I feel really shitty having no friends. I'm going to make my decision noon today.

??? eh????
What good does quitting an online site do? Doesn't gain you more friends. Doesn't lose you any friends. Have you tried going out places? Writing clubs? Activity groups? Do something that makes you happy. It's no use sitting there moping and wishing for friends. You have to go out and make them.

Ask me anything

What was the best party you ever attended?

Hannah's latest birthday party in London, when we booked out the cricket club :) Live band, food and drink and many good friends

Ask me anything