Thursday 14 October 2010

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

The answer IS cocksix!!! it's just spelt "coccyx". Now stop being afraid and SAY IT!!!!

When I was young and in comprehensive school, we had to miss a PE lesson, due to a freak storm. Instead, the teachers gave us a quiz in the Geography classroom. We were split into two teams. The swattiest girl in the school (Carys Dexter) was on the apposing team, so we all figured it was a lost cause, seeing as she'd probably beat us anyway.

Funnily enough, her team were winning by 5 points (typical swat-team). Then the PE teacher gave the final bonus question, which if we got right, the answer would be worth 7 points. The question was "can you name a part of the spine?". Nobody in the class could answer the question, not even swatty "know-it-all" Dexter. At least, nobody apart from me. You see, I had CARRY ON AGAIN DOCTOR on video at home, in which was a gag about the base of the spine being called the "coccyx". But because it was a film full of innuendo and naked Barbara Windsor, I didn't know if they were joking about it or whether it was true.

Either way, I was an extremely shy child back then; not talking to anyone, not even knowing my true self or who I would become. But I knew the answer. I was gagging to say it, but out of fear of getting it wrong and saying a word that sounded more like "cock" in the middle of 32 classmates... I remained silent. And so, nobody got it right. But Dexter (swatty swatty girl girl's team) won the quiz, much to everyone's prediction. I was sooo gutted when they revealed that I would have been right. I just never took the chance.

If I'd swallowed my gut and said the answer on the edge of my lips... it would have been victory. Things would have been so different. In honest truth, I'd have probably become far more popular and far more confident that day and after if I'd done it. Out of all the people in the school to have defeated the swat, it would have been me. That kind of achievement would grant you a place of honour in the school playground. "The nobody who defeated queen of all knowledge".

I have always remembered that day, and that moment. The door to the classroom was open and Mr Whiting was stood looking in. I have always thought to myself that if I was to change one thing in my life, I'd go back in time (as myself now) to that very moment, and burst into that classroom and say "Hold it! Hold EVERYTHING!! - THAT boy there. Mr Hutchings. HE knows the answer!" and then walk out of the room. Either that, or just whisper to Mr Whiting to ask me for the answer (thus preventing my past self from meeting a possible future self), then slip off down the corridor; a stranger in a long coat and red scarf, but stay close enough to hear the cheers of my classmates as I change history and gain respect within the school. That would be a proud proud day. No more bullying. No more "lets leave him on his own because we're all prefects and he's not" - yes, all my friends were prefects except for me. So I didn't get to see them much.

But that would all have changed. I'd be a different person. I wouldn't be me. I wouldn't have met the people I have today, or saved the lives I have to this day. Things would be so so different.

Ask me anything


  1. you never know..going back in time and making sure to get the answer right may lead your future to be married to Carys Dexter

  2. @lauraja Hell no! I know I fancied her for a day once, but HELL NO!!!

  3. Maybe you DID go back in time, tell yourself this.. then the younger you was teased as a know-it-all swot by the dumber kids, as an upstart by the true swots, and as the kid who dared to say "coccyx"in class by the teachers - thereby making you a total social outcast, with no friends. You turned to drink and drugs and ended up in jail, serving time with a mad scientist who later in life developed a time machine, so that you could go back in time, catch the first time-travelling you and stop you saying a word - thus negating the initial changes, leaving reality untouched, but causing an inverted paradox which would swirl in on itself for eternity, creating an infinite number of impossible realities filled only with schoolkids, time-travellers and echoing to the roar of "coccyx"...

  4. That's highly interesting. Most people lack a definitive moment that they would go back in history and change.

    But have you learned nothing from Doctor Who? Going back in time and changing things causes nothing but trouble! Maybe being one of the 'popular' kids would have turned you into a total douche, and then who's awesome youtube videos would i watch? :)

  5. @Jai Gomer

    HAHAHA that's brill :)
