Monday 21 February 2011

Who is the most important person in the world to you?

I can't really narrow the entire importance of my life down to one single person. It's just impossible. There are so many different people who make a difference to my existence, for good and evil. Who would you choose? A member of your family? Possibly, for the fact that they might have been there for you since you were a child; they might have brought you up, given you a home, clothing, food and money. Certainly my family have supported me in my doings. They've given me lifts to places I needed to be. They've never stopped loving me as part of them - even though they might disagree with some of my life choices and actions. They still support me because they care about me. I mean a lot to them. And they to me. I wouldn't be here without them; for both good and bad reasons. ...but life reasons. But the question is, if you're going to narrow it down, which one? Which person from your family?

This is a very hard question.
I've been thinking about it for the past few hours...

...My dad.

My dad's the most important person in the world to me, out of my family. He's always tried to push me. And I've been doing a lot of fighting back. We all have, in my family. He's always had these strange ideas of what he's going to do. Crazy ideas. Ideas that others would stop and think "why the hell is he doing that?" ... But he has the drive and determination to do them, or at least have a good crack at it. Even if it takes a long long time, he'll do his best to see it through. A lot of people look at things and think to themselves that they'll never succeed; that everything will fall flat on its face, so there's no point in trying. No hope in starting. But he's not one for giving up, my Dad. And I'm proud of him for that.

We all go through hell and back. We all get told not to do the things we do. Because they're daft. Because we'll "never succeed". But not him. If he's got a goal, he'll go straight for it, or at least, find the easiest and cheapest method of accomplishing it.

When any of us have needed something, like money to go somewhere or get something we needed, to move on to the next stage, he'd help out.

There have been times when we've just not gotten on. Mostly due to me being ignorant and not wanting to listen. When we're young, we want to rebel. We want to do what WE want to do, and that's great. But sometimes we blind ourselves to the problems our parents and families are going through, just so that we can go off and have fun. We deliberately shut out the people who've brought us to this point. Why?? Because we're pig headed.

When I came out to my family about being bisexual, he said nothing. He didn't shout. He didn't utter a word. Not even a mention... and that means so much to me. Where the others turned and sneered and talked of it being wrong or sinful or whatever. An unmentionable thing, against their religion. I'm a poofter. A ponce. I hang around with the dirty and deprived and sexually transmitted sinful and diseased lot.
He said nothing.

In fact, he's more in tune with the world around; that you cannot call people these names, or treat people who are different in this manor. Because today's world does not allow it. Even if he doesn't agree with me being bisexual, he leaves me to make the choices I will. No verbal back-talk. None of "I pray you'll find a girlfriend" or "Do you still work in that den of STD's?" (a gay bar).

He says nothing. And even just by saying nothing, it means the world to me. Because it means he still loves and cares about me as a son. And that means I can love him back as a dad.

We've never really did much for his birthdays. We never really did much for him, which I'm slightly ashamed of. But after all the palarva of coming out to my family... after all that stress and drama... things have started to turn around. On his previous birthday just gone, the family were going to do nothing. So I figured it was time to give something back to him. I bought him and everyone a meal in the Prince of Wales Wetherspoons, in Cardiff; with drinks and desert too. Now that I have a full time job, I can afford to do things I've wanted to do, to a certain extent. But what I wanted most was for him to have a great birthday. Something he should have had a long time ago.

I now even give him a hug when seeing him off. That's something my brothers NEVER do. Something he's never had off us.

When you allow someone to be themselves instead of forcing them to do things and controlling their lives and decisions... they'll turn around and thank you for it. Even love you for it. I owe a lot to my dad. To my Mum as well but, to narrow it down... My Dad. And I love him very much.

What about you? Who's the most important person in the world to YOU?

Peace out, John Hutch

Ask me anything

1 comment:

  1. Your Dad sounds pretty damn awesome. Excellent blog entry, highly fascinating. :)
