Friday 1 October 2010

Coming out to parents / Being Bisexual

Recently I came out to my "christian" family about being bisexual. It was a tough ordeal, through which I had to be very brave and fight on through. They didn't take it well, of course. At first, they pretty much disowned me because anyone who isn't straight will "burn in hell" and is "sick" (in their opinion). But over time, a number of weeks, they started to talk to me in small bits, not mentioning my sexuality. Apparently they're praying that I find a girlfriend because then I'll be "saved". As if that's going to happen. But I guess they still love me for who I am (just not the bisexual bit). I hate closed minded people.

To be honest, of late, I seem to be attracted to more boys than girls. I love fit guys, with perfect bodies, amazing eyes and incredible hair. When I close my eyes and imagine being held or even holding someone, or even lying with them on the sofa, it's mostly been guys. Though there are a number of women who turn my eye - I have a select taste in women. Most women are far too girly, which I find extremely unattractive. It's all the fuss about shoes and hair and moaning all the time. It's just as unattractive as overly camp people. No offense to them. I can stand camp. But there's camp, then there's overly camp, then there's OTT camp and then there's Lewis (some gay person I know who tried to sexually harass me) who has a whole new level of camp. I prefer straight acting guys myself. It's probably obvious.


  1. and thiers 'lewis'! lol :)

  2. Well done John, your parents should be proud of their son. I know I am proud of you as my 'adopted' son. Keep well, stay safe.
    Big Hugs and Love xxxx Brenda

  3. Good on you John :)
    A true inspiration. I'm bisexual myself but i'm certainly not out to my parants and only to a select few of my friend.
    Plus I know what you mean about the whole campness thing, everyone has camp moments when they step back and notice but when it's just "on" at full strength all the time it can find it very tedious and irritating.


  4. One thing I should mention: my family still love me and look after me and wish me well. They just don't like me being bisexual because of their religious beliefs

  5. well done john we are proud of niece is gay and in a relationship with a lovely girl...i wish you all the happiness in the world...i know your mam and sure in time things will work out for all of you... and if it dosen't you have to do whats right by you and your happiness....i used to go to church with your mam and dad don't know if you remember me... don't go anymore cause of hypocrisy and judging of people like body should judge you for what you stand proud ..deb.xxxx

  6. I just wish people would see that it takes all sorts to make a universe. I must be the most open minded of my entire family.

  7. Well done you :) a bisexual friend of mine had a similar ordeal when she told her religious family. they simply didn't believe her and thought it was just some kind of 'phase'.

    Bisexuality seems to be an area people don't understand, which is ridiculous. Good on you for being open and honest, and i hope they understand one day :)

  8. I came out at 26 and was a pastor of a fundamentalist church. I left my wife for a guy Tall beautiful blond Tall guy Texas and now at 58 I still go out with more guys now than I did when I was younger. I had 3 eight year relationships which is like impossible for Gay life. All left me for someone younger. However. I assume you will always be looking behind you. I thought I was straight until I realized all I ever looked at was guys. It was like a ton of bricks hit me all at once in College then I met a guy who wanted me as bad as I did him in Chapel we were seated alphabetically. he finally came to me . It was the end of straight life for me. Coming out was easy. My wife told everyone . By the time I got back home to my area it was all accepted. if not , it was never spoken of.
