Saturday 12 November 2011

When you doing Dr who fan films and the director has a different idea from you of how you should portray an emotion like saying the fear on your face should be more one of surprise and confusion instead of outright horror do you find it annoying?

It depends on the idea. If it just doesn't make sense, then I could suggest why it doesn't make sense to the director. It's us actors that the whole show is riding on. The director must explain clearly his vision

Ask me anything

What makes you choose which Doctor Who fan projects to star in? The strength of the script? How the outline of the idea is portrayed to you? Do you do just fan projects with friends only?

This is gonna sound bad, but its in all truth. As an actor, I have a reputation to uphold by going for nothing but the best that will keep me going and get me to where I want to be. So if I'm doing a Doctor Who fan film, it would have to be something well written to very high standards. Also, I would have to trust the people producing it; that they would focus with the best interests at hand for myself and the movie, and that they were hard working and well focussed on their goal.

If there's one thing I hate more, as an actor, it's working with unprofessional people who are disorganised, leaving everything to the last minute, and who just don't have drive to succeed. The best people to work with are those who are enthusiastic about the project. People who know what they're doing, when and how, and how it affects the rest of the team.

I always strive to be professional in all my acting work. I trust others of the team to be able to do the same.

Ask me anything

Sunday 24 July 2011

Some people on youtube are ungrateful and treat their followers like 'idiots' and call them "twats" and making people look stupid and desperate- this is NOT ON! and this is totally unacceptable and disgusting! THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ANYONE ON FORMSPRING!

What people say in their own videos is their own business. It's up to the viewers to stop watching or not. Nobody's forcing you to watch their vids. I don't watch as much youtube as I used to because I just don't have the time for it these days. But I don't close down my account either because I still use it from time to time. It's up to the viewers to follow me if they LIKE me and WANT to follow me themselves. If not, doesn't really matter a massive deal. I'm just another person

Ask me anything

Not many Doctor Who fans talk about what music they like! What music do you listen to? Any favourite music? A fan of a particular genre? Would be interested very much to hear. Best wishes Chris.

Soundtrack music. I love soundtracks from films and action music. It helps the imagination. Currently loving the soundtrack to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Ask me anything

Do you think any of the following accents sound sexy? Mancunian, Welsh, Scottish, Russian?

Doesn't really matter to me at all. It's not the accent. It's the voice and the person behind it. Russian and Scottish are nice though

Ask me anything

Sunday 10 July 2011

One of the strengths of 'Doctor Who' over 'star trek' is the acting. The acting in star trek is so wooden and the relationships too in star trek- I've seen more life in a dodo! Do you agree?

Meh, not in the recent ones. It's the style of the show that's different. Star Trek has many many characters in every episode whereas Doctor Who is only a select few - much more interesting to follow the course of their evolution as a character

Ask me anything

When you go to the movies, what's your favorite snack?

Popcorn, coke and possibly a bag of Jelly Babies

Ask me anything

Monday 4 July 2011

Would you rather be a demon or a vampire?

Depends on what type of demon you mean

Ask me anything

What age did you have your first kiss?

My first proper kiss? as in not acting in something? Age 23

Ask me anything

My greatest fear is I shall never have any friends and be stuck in a dead end Job. What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear is to be utterly alone and a failure. Stuck in financial problems and not even doing anything with my life. Course, that's a load of bollocks. You get out what you put in!

Ask me anything

Do you think I should quit youtube and formspring as it just makes me feel more alone? I feel really shitty having no friends. I'm going to make my decision noon today.

??? eh????
What good does quitting an online site do? Doesn't gain you more friends. Doesn't lose you any friends. Have you tried going out places? Writing clubs? Activity groups? Do something that makes you happy. It's no use sitting there moping and wishing for friends. You have to go out and make them.

Ask me anything

What was the best party you ever attended?

Hannah's latest birthday party in London, when we booked out the cricket club :) Live band, food and drink and many good friends

Ask me anything

Thursday 30 June 2011

I went to an openday at Wolverhampton University. What made you choose Wolverhampton University above all others? What was it like living in Wolverhampton when you did your degree? Did you admire your lecturers?

Seemed fate put me there. It was alright to live in, though my housemates weren't the best of people to hang around in terms of study, otherwise I'd have put more effort in. My lecturers were easy enough to get on with. Though I'm not sure what I actually took from the course. Depends on which course you do and what You get out of it yourself.

Ask me anything

What was the scariest moment of your life?

Encountering a real demon twice. Not something you forget easily

Ask me anything

Wednesday 29 June 2011

If you were a Transformer, what would you transform into?

Depends if you mean a vehicle or something or an animal. If it's a vehicle, I'd be a motorbike. If it's an animal, I'd be a dog or a wolf

Ask me anything

Sunday 26 June 2011

It would be rubbish if Doctor Who was handed over to U.S. T.V. I agree with that. I've seen this before when they tried to do this with Red Dwarf. It was a disaster.

American's just CANT do Doctor Who. At all. Unless they're very rare people like Julian Bane, or at least know what the hell they're doing.

Speilberg! That's who can do Doctor Who

Ask me anything

Saturday 25 June 2011

You believe Doctor Who should remain British? Tom Baker was half-Jewish but being Jewish does not bother me. So what would define britishness? After watching the 'slutwalk' demos on 'Jennybean89' youtube channel not everything about britian is great.

I'm not really into all the slutwalk stuff. If people wanna dress a certain way thats up to them. But Doctor Who has always been a British program, made by the BBC. If it was ever given over to the Americans or any other TV company, it would be shite.

Ask me anything

I think it is about time they had a black or asian actor play Doctor Who. I can think of many perfect for the role. What do you think? Inspired after watching special feature on Jon Pertwee story 'The Mutants'

Not on your nelly. The Doctor, in my opinion, should remain as he is. It keeps the british character going. Not that I'm racist or anything, but the Doctor IS a british character, and that's what's kept him going for such a long famous time.

Mind you, so long as they keep the role British, then they can do what they want with it. Even if it was a woman, she would be British.

Ask me anything

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Monday 13 June 2011

Do you think 'actors' are good at flirting and smooth talking? Do you think flirting and smooth talking work with women?

Works with anyone really. You don't have to be an actor to be able to smooth talk. You just need to be confident and say the right things on your mind

Ask me anything

What was your favorite childhood toy?

My Brown Doggy - a small brown dog teddy bear that I've kept with me even to this day

Ask me anything

Thursday 19 May 2011

if you could pick four other celebs to be on come dine with me, who would they be ?? idea. I don't watch it. I hate programmes like that lol

Ask me anything

I am hungry...what you gonna cook me XD

Nothing :P I can't cook

Ask me anything

Darren Criss of Blaine Anderson ??

Banana. Don't ask me why lol

Ask me anything

What ice cream flavor describes your personality the best?

Banana. Don't ask me why lol

Ask me anything

Do you believe the "rapture" is coming this Saturday (21st May) and if your reading this after that date, ignore this?

The "Rapture"? What a load of bollocks. All the "good" people who follow this way of life will be taken up to heaven and paradise and have cookies and cream for all eternity??? Is that Cameron's idea of creating more jobs??

If people think the world's gonna end in the next five minutes then that's no way to live at all. I mean, talk about a negative outlook on life.

Ask me anything

Angel or Spike ??

SPIKE!!!!!!! Without a shadow of a doubt!

Ask me anything

Thursday 5 May 2011

Sunday 24 April 2011

did you like series 6 episode 1 :)

Oh hell yes. I laughed so much at the Laurel and Hardy bit at the start. Very cool monsters this time. I'm looking forward to next week :D

Ask me anything

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Who is your best friend and how did you meet him/her?

My best friend is Matthew Chambers. We met after graduation from University in 2008. We've been best friends ever since. I wouldn't be happy without him.

Ask me anything

Monday 18 April 2011

What's your favorite TV show from the 1990s?

Doctor Who, obviously, when they had the BBC re-runs. But apart from that, probably the Demon Headmaster, Knightmare and a whole host of brilliant children's TV programs.

Ask me anything

Saturday 16 April 2011

Would you rather hang out with a small group of friends or a large group?

I enjoy the company of both, to be honest. With a small group, you get to do the things you want to focus on, whereas with a large group you might have many differing ideas.

Although, When with a large group, there is more socialising and more people to talk to and have fun with. When I'm with a massive group of my friends, it's like a proper family, all together.

So yes, I'd prefer to hang out with everyone :) But it depends on the event

Ask me anything

Thursday 14 April 2011

What's the biggest risk you've ever taken? Are you glad you took it or do you regret it?

I came out to my family. No, I don't regret it. I no longer have to live in fear. They might not appreciate it, but that's life.

Ask me anything

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Would you ever cheat on someone? Or would you dump them before it got that far?

It's not in my nature to cheat on people. I've been with a few one night stands but nothing in terms of progressing into a relationship, so nothing wrong there. Though, If it were a proper relationship I'd probably stay loyal.

But in terms of deliberately cheat on someone?? ...They'd have to have really pissed me off, and I mean literally. As in done something that would go down in the history of bad. Either that, or stop being the person I went out with.

Yeah, You have to be yourself if you're gonna be with me. And I have to like yourself :P

But no, I'm no slag

Ask me anything

Monday 28 March 2011

Things I've done today!

  1. Read a Book:
      • I have to say these short stories are brilliant. I've a good mind to start recording them for audio, with me narrating them. If anything, they'll be good practice at reading things on camera or radio. Something to add to my blog pages :)
  2. Played Computer Games:
    • Won a game of Chess
      • I've not played chess in a very long time, mostly because I don't usually like playing games where I don't know what my opponent is going to do. Odd really. Well, better to be back in the action!
    • Played more of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on my Macbook Pro
      • So far I've completed Tatooine, Dantooine, and now I've started on Kashyyyk - the home of the Wookies. I've completed the game soo many times on the Xbox, but this Apple App download has surprised me with a brand new location - a space station in orbit around the planet Yavin with a host full of expensive weaponry goodies to by from this Rodian guy. God, this game is addictive!!!
  3. And generally had a lazy day:
    • Today I've been generally tired. Mostly because I was up till 3am last night. Technically it was 2am, because we lost an hour as the clocks went forward. I spent most of last night chatting on Blog TV with my friends Jon Gransden, Matthew Chambers and Christopher Thomson, counting down to the change in temporal change. Then Stephen Fielding, my housemate and fellow whovian, awoke me early in the morning to watch the car racing on the TV (which I wasn't too fussed by at all - it's his house, after all).
    • I've had a good few naps today though. It's been a bit of a RECHARGE day for me. I must go outside more often though, as I'm starting to get stuck in the house... A few walks are in order I think!
  4. Prepared my news items for tomorrow's TEQUILA RADIO broadcast:
    • Tomorrow morning sees another busy day for me. First off I am, once again, lending my services to my student friends at TEQUILA RADIO to broadcast the news updates for them. But this time my visit shall be cut short, as I have to be in work at Nando's in St David's 2 from 10am onwards - I have to help set up the restaurant. I'll have to take my computer with me to work, so I've got a padlock for my locker for security. 
    • Straight after that I've got more filming with students a we continue to film 'BE HAPPY', which reminds me, I'd better stick my clothes on the radiator for the morning!!
Anyways, gotta go!!!!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Do you Believe in dreams coming true ??

Yes, I do. Because if you believe in something so much, then you'll find it one day

Ask me anything

Have you cried during a movie?

Yep. I cried during Return of the King and a few others. But I can only get into a movie when I'm not watching it with family - they blurt out loud "Well that's just silly" and ruin the whole effect of being lost in the fantasy. They don't like getting caught up in the motion of the film. They do it all the time at home, especially when Doctor Who or something good is on.

If you don't wanna get involved in the story on screen, keep your mouth SHUT!!

Ask me anything

Saturday 12 March 2011

JohnHutch Thor

JohnHutch Thor

This is my Second Life character that I've had for some time. Many adventures and friends made through this. It's brilliant

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Monday 21 February 2011

Who is the most important person in the world to you?

I can't really narrow the entire importance of my life down to one single person. It's just impossible. There are so many different people who make a difference to my existence, for good and evil. Who would you choose? A member of your family? Possibly, for the fact that they might have been there for you since you were a child; they might have brought you up, given you a home, clothing, food and money. Certainly my family have supported me in my doings. They've given me lifts to places I needed to be. They've never stopped loving me as part of them - even though they might disagree with some of my life choices and actions. They still support me because they care about me. I mean a lot to them. And they to me. I wouldn't be here without them; for both good and bad reasons. ...but life reasons. But the question is, if you're going to narrow it down, which one? Which person from your family?

This is a very hard question.
I've been thinking about it for the past few hours...

...My dad.

My dad's the most important person in the world to me, out of my family. He's always tried to push me. And I've been doing a lot of fighting back. We all have, in my family. He's always had these strange ideas of what he's going to do. Crazy ideas. Ideas that others would stop and think "why the hell is he doing that?" ... But he has the drive and determination to do them, or at least have a good crack at it. Even if it takes a long long time, he'll do his best to see it through. A lot of people look at things and think to themselves that they'll never succeed; that everything will fall flat on its face, so there's no point in trying. No hope in starting. But he's not one for giving up, my Dad. And I'm proud of him for that.

We all go through hell and back. We all get told not to do the things we do. Because they're daft. Because we'll "never succeed". But not him. If he's got a goal, he'll go straight for it, or at least, find the easiest and cheapest method of accomplishing it.

When any of us have needed something, like money to go somewhere or get something we needed, to move on to the next stage, he'd help out.

There have been times when we've just not gotten on. Mostly due to me being ignorant and not wanting to listen. When we're young, we want to rebel. We want to do what WE want to do, and that's great. But sometimes we blind ourselves to the problems our parents and families are going through, just so that we can go off and have fun. We deliberately shut out the people who've brought us to this point. Why?? Because we're pig headed.

When I came out to my family about being bisexual, he said nothing. He didn't shout. He didn't utter a word. Not even a mention... and that means so much to me. Where the others turned and sneered and talked of it being wrong or sinful or whatever. An unmentionable thing, against their religion. I'm a poofter. A ponce. I hang around with the dirty and deprived and sexually transmitted sinful and diseased lot.
He said nothing.

In fact, he's more in tune with the world around; that you cannot call people these names, or treat people who are different in this manor. Because today's world does not allow it. Even if he doesn't agree with me being bisexual, he leaves me to make the choices I will. No verbal back-talk. None of "I pray you'll find a girlfriend" or "Do you still work in that den of STD's?" (a gay bar).

He says nothing. And even just by saying nothing, it means the world to me. Because it means he still loves and cares about me as a son. And that means I can love him back as a dad.

We've never really did much for his birthdays. We never really did much for him, which I'm slightly ashamed of. But after all the palarva of coming out to my family... after all that stress and drama... things have started to turn around. On his previous birthday just gone, the family were going to do nothing. So I figured it was time to give something back to him. I bought him and everyone a meal in the Prince of Wales Wetherspoons, in Cardiff; with drinks and desert too. Now that I have a full time job, I can afford to do things I've wanted to do, to a certain extent. But what I wanted most was for him to have a great birthday. Something he should have had a long time ago.

I now even give him a hug when seeing him off. That's something my brothers NEVER do. Something he's never had off us.

When you allow someone to be themselves instead of forcing them to do things and controlling their lives and decisions... they'll turn around and thank you for it. Even love you for it. I owe a lot to my dad. To my Mum as well but, to narrow it down... My Dad. And I love him very much.

What about you? Who's the most important person in the world to YOU?

Peace out, John Hutch

Ask me anything

Thursday 17 February 2011

How many Jack Russell dogs do you think you could fit in an air balloon basket?

As many as you can, please! I'm not fond of them lol I prefer proper dogs like sheep dogs and border collies

Ask me anything

I love Cheerios. Thinking about it I like lots of food in the shape of an 'O'. Which do you prefer Cheerios, Spaghetti Hoops, Bagels, Donuts or Hula Hoops?

hula hoops for the win!

Ask me anything

Is it possible for cows to chase their tales?

Cow: "I have a tale????!"

Ask me anything

What influenced you most when you were 14?

My friends and Doctor Who

Ask me anything

What song best describes your life right now?

Kung Fu Fighting lol - fighting to get where I want to be

Ask me anything

Are you ever two faced?

Yeah, I can be. We all have differing thoughts and opinions about people we know. We just don't say the bad things to their face because we don't want to hurt them. Unless they really piss us off, in which case we just let rip

Ask me anything

What's the first thing that you usually notice about someone you meet?

Great body / gorgeous face / amazing eyes, hair and kissable lips

Ask me anything

Monday 14 February 2011

Valentine's Day

Here we go again, another Valentine’s Day.  I’ve never really done anything with it. Well, apart from two years ago when I went over a gay friend’s place in London. I had an incredibly strong man-crush on him. We didn’t do anything; we were pretty much mates and I was too afraid and reserved at the time because I wasn’t uncertain about my sexuality. It was all really new to me, but I played the “good friend” card – much better that way. We hung out for the day. He cooked bolognese for us both and we watched his Doctor Who fan films on his laptop. After that we just went to bed. I say bed. He was in his bed and I was in my sleeping bag on the hard carpet floor. Like I said, we were good friends. So yeah, nothing happened.

We hadn’t gotten off to a good start either. That morning, I’d accidently left my bank card in the PIN machine at W.H. Smiths in Newport rail station. I only realised after the train pulled into Paddington and I couldn’t find it to purchase a travel ticket for the London Underground. Luckily though, time and fate had landed me with just enough cash to survive the weekend. My friend paid for a lot of the things – mostly food shopping. I did feel really bad about it. I paid him back after though. And we’re still good friends.

But yeah, apart from that one incident, I’ve never really done anything for Valentine’s Day.

What about You? Do you have a Valentine's story?

Monday 7 February 2011


The other day, I went to Cardiff Castle for the very first time. I got in for free because I get a city pass for working in Nando's in St David's 2, which is brilliant - I can now go in whenever I like :D

Unfortunately, they were doing some repair work to a section of the castle, due to weather problems, and so most of the castle was shut off. But they did have a tour going on. I just managed to catch the last one. The castle was impressive, to say the least. The tour guide, lovely chap, took us to some of the great rooms and delivered a spiel about the history and important facts - a spiel, you could tell, he'd been reciting ALL day, EVERY day for as long as he'd lived there. And as much as he made it out to be interesting, he told it in a manor of obviousness, possibly even a tiny hint of boredom. But the history of the castle and indeed the design of the interior rooms was rather spectacular - very "Gothic Revival" in design. And very Catholic too (these people obviously used to sit on spikes!)

The final room of the tour was a great library, full of books (well obviously) and contained a large fireplace. The tour ended here with chances of questions. The Guide was rather hoping we'd ask him something, as everyone had been silent on the whole tour - bit like walking around a dead place. At first I enquired as to the meaning (translation) of some of the ornate carvings above the fireplace. He wasn't sure completely, but he knew they must all be different forms of the alphabet. And then, because nobody else was asking, I posed the question "Any ghost stories?"

This seemed to wake him up a lot. Something that actually interested him, instead of repeated facts about "the history of this chunk of wood". He'd never seen a ghost himself, but he had an open mind. He'd heard a lot of ghostly happenings from other security guards in the castle. Especially people on the night shifts. People have seen Monks in the courtyard, a lady walking the corridors... Some have even been tapped on the shoulder by something that wasn't there.

We stood debating the subject for a good 15 minutes - best part of the tour. Then the Guide had a moment of inspiration. He decided to take us to a small marble room (which wasn't part of the tour) where, a hundred or so years ago, a Lord of the castle was found dead from an apparent heart attack. The room was cold. It used to be the Lord's dressing room at the time, so it would probably have been warmer. But now it was redecorated to look like a marble catholic prayer room - angels on the ceiling and walls - very cold and unwelcoming. In fact, this room was the coldest in the whole castle.

The Lord was found dead on a chaise lounge under an archway in the corner. But today, the place where he was found is replaced with a marble pillar and bust of his father's head - so that his father can watch over him, even in death.

At first, I thought I felt a presence in the corner of the room by the door; very slight and gentle, as if someone was just stood there. 'Could this be the dead lord?' I wondered to myself. But then I decided to take a closer look at the pillar - the death spot. The moment I got close to that thing, I felt something I'd never felt before. A repelling force. It was as if something was trying to push me away, like a magnet field. Almost like running into an invisible wall.

But to force my hand through that barrier, I picked up something bizarre. Static. An incredible charge of static energy that made my hand tingle - like putting your hand next to a well charged TV screen or wearing a magnet around your wrist. My hand soon felt as if I'd been lying on it. The blood tingled. That feeling was nowhere else in the room. Just around the pillar where the body was found. It was almost like a living thing.

Afterwards, we left the room and the tour came to an end. The castle itself was closing for the day. I walked with two guys who were also on the tour - both of them were ghost hunters, and we talked about ghostly encounters; orbs, psychic attacks, Azazel... it was a most bizarre evening.

Do YOU have a spooky encounter?

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Sherlock Holmes or The Doctor?

Can't I have both?? I'll go for Doctor Who - bit more of a variety than a murder mystery. But I do love Sherlock Holmes

Ask me anything

Sunday 16 January 2011

Chocolate or Vanilla?


Ask me anything

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?

I couldn't do that. I'd get sooo bored and the song would be ruined

Ask me anything

whats ur fav type of kiss?

My favourite type of kiss has to be Smooth on the lips, with a hint of playful tongue. When I kiss, its usually slow and passionate because you're basically sharing something with someone special. It's an attraction to that person. And short of taking all your clothes off and rampantly worshiping each others bodies until you're both one person... kissing is a good intimate start.

Ask me anything

would you consider yourself attractive?

Yeah, to a certain extent. I'm not but ugly and yet I'm not drop dead gorgeous. I'm alright with the way I look. Course, if anyone wants to comment on that then feel free lol

Ask me anything

Saturday 1 January 2011

Doctor Who - Christmas With The Enemy - Part Three - Bit 2/2

The final and thrilling installment of Christmas with the Enemy - a Doctor Who Fan Film Cartoon that we started years ago. Lovely to see it in completion with new graphics. Take a look and leave a comment :)